10 Fun Facts About Kitties!
Are you pretty knowledgeable when it comes to our feline friends? Here are 10 fun facts about cats that you might not know: 1. Cats can’t...

10 Pets That Are Way More Popular Than You
Here are ten pets that have more followers than you will likely gain in a lifetime! 10. Hamilton the Hipster Cat Hamilton the Hipster...

6 Tips to Help Your Pup That Pees When They're Excited!
An enthusiastic greeting after hours away from home is one of the reasons we love our dogs, but pee puddles on your new carpet put a...

Have you heard of the BC Pet Registry?
The BC Pet Registry is owned and operated by the BC SPCA and is the only provincial pet identification (ID) registry in British Columbia...

Does your dog or cat eat poop!?
A poopular issue we hear from our customers is that their pet is eating feces... and usually their own... before they want to, of course,...

Does your dog kick after they poop!?
After going potty, you might have noticed that dogs have a tendency to use their paws to kick and dig up the surrounding areas. At first,...